Monday, August 20, 2012

OPI - Baby Blue (FAIL!!!)

I got some nail mail today - YAY!!! Nail Mail

 The first bottle I wanted to try was OPI's Baby Blue.  Just look how pretty the bottle is!!! I looks beautiful!

OPI - Baby Blue

 Then I tried it on....

OPI Baby Blue

This is a quick and dirty pic - no clean up, no topcoat, no nothing! This color definitely NEEDS and "undie."  Of course this was REMOVED from my nails RIGHT AWAY!!!


  1. Wow, such a pretty blue in the bottle and not a trace of blue in sight on the nail! Undies definitely needed!

  2. OMG such a color change..! And for the worse, I agree! But I am sure this will soon be fixed with a blue base ;) Fear not!
